The idyllic musings of a wood fairy have been intruded upon by the unsolicited interruption of a magic speaking fish. The fish displays signs of urgency as he captures the attention of the nymph, and begins a conversation, to which we are not privy. To the right of the fairy, hidden under the water's surface, we can catch a glimpse of exposed treasure. Is the fish trying to avert the maiden from finding the treasure; is he trying to warn her to flee from it before the nearby owner of the treasure finds her; or, is he trying to bestow the treasure upon the maiden?
Model: Jenna A. O'Connor.
Acrylic on Canvas: Original Available, $1,200.00; Please Contact the Artist.
If you would like a portrait of your loved one painted into a fantasy setting, please take a look at "Prices/ General Information" and feel free to contact the artist. The artist is happy to create commissioned pieces.
Model: Jenna A. O'Connor.
Acrylic on Canvas: Original Available, $1,200.00; Please Contact the Artist.
If you would like a portrait of your loved one painted into a fantasy setting, please take a look at "Prices/ General Information" and feel free to contact the artist. The artist is happy to create commissioned pieces.